Payment methods
  • 13 Nov 2024
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Payment methods

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Article summary

eCommerce allows you to:

eCommerce also allows you to manage the following payment settings:

View an order's payment information

To view an order’s payment information in Zilliant CPQ:

  1. From the left navigation area, select Orders.
  2. Select an order.
  3. From the top navigation bar, select Overview.

The order’s payment ID and payment mode are captured in the Payment Id and Payment Mode fields, respectively.

Add payment information to order confirmation details

After a user successfully pays for an order, they receive a confirmation with order details. eCommerce allows you to add payment information to order confirmation details.

To add payment information to order details in eCommerce:

  1. From the top navigation bar, select your account.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select Commerce Administration.

    You must have the Commerce System Administrator role to access this menu item.

  3. From the left navigation area, select Screen Configuration.
  4. From the top navigation bar, select Order History (Overview).
  5. In the My Orders section, select Add.
  6. Select payment information fields, then select Save.
  7. Repeat steps 5-6 for the Placed By Others section.
  8. From the top navigation bar, select Order History (Detail).
  9. Repeat steps 5-6 for the Order Attributes section.

Configure payment methods

To manage payment methods in eCommerce:

  1. From the top navigation bar, select your account.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select Commerce Administration.

    You must have the Commerce System Administrator role to access this menu item.

  3. From the left navigation area, select Payment Configuration.
  4. Select dropdown options for Mode and Destination. For more details, read the following table.
ModeDefault mode for all company accounts. To specify a mode for a company account, read Account-specific payment methods.

Mode options:

  • Direct Payment and PO Based—Allows for both payments and PO.
  • Direct Payment Only—Only direct payments are accepted.
  • PO Based Only—Only PO-based payments are accepted.
DestinationName of the destination set up in the in Zilliant CPQ.

For more details about destinations, read External links.

Account-specific payment methods

eCommerce allows you to configure a payment mode for a company account separate from the default mode.

To manage payment modes for a specific company account in Ziliant CPQ:

  1. From the left navigation area, select Accounts.
  2. Select an account.
  3. From the top navigation bar, select Detail.
  4. Select the Payment Type field.
  5. Select a payment type row.

Payment processing intervals

To manage the payment gateway transaction interval in Zilliant CPQ:

  1. From the left navigation area, select System Processes.
  2. From the top navigation bar, select System Tasks.
  3. From the top sub-navigation bar, select Master Data. This page displays a list of tasks.
  4. If a task with a value of "Payment Gateway Transaction Capture Job" for its Task Resource attribute exists, select its row and skip steps 5-7. Otherwise, Select Add.

    To view a task's attributes, select the task's row.

  5. Enter a task name in the Name field, then select Create.
  6. Select the new task's row.
  7. In the Task Resource field, enter "Payment Gateway Transaction Capture Job."
  8. In the CRON Expression field, enter an expression that determines how frequently eCommerce checks for payment processing.
  9. Set the Active switch to YES.

For examples of payment processing expressions, read the following table:

To check at this interval:Enter this CRON expression:
5-minute interval0*/5****
10-minute interval0*/10***
15-minute interval0*/15***

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