About eCommerce
  • 24 Jan 2025
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About eCommerce

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Article summary

Zilliant eCommerce is a self-service product catalog and shopping platform. eCommerce captures product interest, guides your customers through the product evaluation and purchasing process, and enables them to make special requests.

The portal provides a customized, self-service buying experience, offering your customers products and components that are compatible with their previous purchases.

How eCommerce works

The eCommerce application displays products and processes orders and inquiries based on a user’s permissions, product information, and other configurations maintained by eCommerce and CPQ.

To set up eCommerce:

  1. Configure branding for the eCommerce application.
  2. Add and configure products.
  3. Configure the checkout process for the eCommerce application.

How to use eCommerce

Depending on your user permissions, eCommerce allows you to review submitted orders and inquiries.

For information about managing users, read User management.

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