Get started with Zilliant CLI
  • 14 Feb 2025
  • Dark

Get started with Zilliant CLI

  • Dark

Article summary

Zilliant CLI is a powerful command-line interface tool designed to simplify and enhance your work with Zilliant orgs by streamlining the development and deployment experience.

Zilliant CLI enables you to easily move pricing configurations between environments, or configure new environments. Using your own source control and workflow, use Zilliant CLI to:

  • Manage your Zilliant organizations (ZOrgs)

  • Move configurations between ZOrgs

  • Retrieve and deploy metadata artifacts

  • Delete unwanted or outdated artifacts in ZOrgs

System requirements

Before installing Zilliant CLI, review the system requirements to get the most from our command line interface.

Operating systems

Zilliant CLI supports these operating systems.

Operating system

Recommended versions

Windows NT

Windows 10 or later version


macOS 15 Sequoia

Code editor or IDE

You can use any code editor to work with scripts and manifests.


To access your ZOrg with Zilliant CLI, you must have:

  • Credentials for the Salesforce org associated with your ZOrg

  • Client ID and client secret of the connected authentication app

  • ZOrg ID

To get this data, contact your Zilliant representative.

How to use Zilliant CLI

To install and use Zilliant CLI, follow the steps for your operating system.


  1. Complete the system requirements and prerequisites.

  2. Download the installation file.

  3. Install Zilliant CLI.

  4. Run commands to create projects, deploy artifacts, and work with Zorgs.


  1. Complete the system requirements and prerequisites.

  2. Download the installation file.

  3. Install Zilliant CLI.

  4. Run commands to create projects, deploy artifacts, and work with Zorgs.

What’s next?

To learn how to perform common tasks using Zilliant CLI, read Use Zilliant CLI.

Read our release notes for the latest version information.

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