Common questions
  • 13 Sep 2023
  • 9 Minutes to read
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Common questions

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This topic offers answers to common questions about Campaign Manager.

How do I create and run a new campaign?

  1. Go to the Campaigns worksheet and select Add to create a campaign. For detailed steps, read Add a campaign.
  2. Add one or more action types to the campaign. For detailed steps, read Add a campaign action.
  3. Select the campaign and select the Activate Selected Campaigns worksheet action.
  4. When the campaign is active, select the Run Selected Campaigns worksheet action.

How do I exclude some customers from having actions published in any campaign?

Go to the Customers worksheet. For each customer you want to exclude, set the value of the Exclusion Flag calculated column to 1.

For more information, read Customer eligibility.

How do I modify the reactivation periods for a campaign?

  1. Go to the Campaigns worksheet and select the campaign you want to modify.
  2. If you haven't activated the campaign yet, run the Activate Selected Campaigns worksheet action.
  3. Go to the Campaign Settings worksheet and, for each status, set the desired reactivation period in a measurement of days.

For more information, read Campaign reactivation period.

How do I modify the thresholds for a campaign?

  1. Go to the Campaigns worksheet and select the campaign you want to modify.
  2. If you haven't activated the campaign, run the Activate Selected Campaigns worksheet action.
  3. Toggle the dropdown icon to the left of the desired campaign's ID. This reveals a list of the campaign's actions.
  4. Set each campaign action's Action Impact Min Threshold to the desired minimum. If you leave this field empty, Campaign Manager automatically sets a minimum value of 0.
  5. Go to the Campaign Thresholds worksheet and set values for Metric Threshold per Action Type and Metric Name.

For more information, read Campaign thresholds.

How do I clone a campaign?

  1. Go to the Campaigns worksheet and select the campaign you want to clone.
  2. Run the Clone Selected Campaigns worksheet action.

The cloning process creates a new campaign. It copies all of the campaign actions, settings, thresholds, product scopes, customer scopes, and talk tracks from the original campaign. The new campaign ID is appended with the numeral I.

For more information, read about Campaigns worksheet actions.

How do I configure a customer scope for a campaign?

  1. Go to the Customers worksheet and identify or configure a column that contains the customer groups you want to use.
  2. Go to the Campaigns worksheet and select the campaign for which you want to add a customer scope.
  3. If you created a new column in Step 1, run the Update Customer Field Dropdown worksheet action to update the dropdown options.
  4. Edit the values under the Customer Scope Field column to match the desired column in the Customers worksheet.
  5. With the desired campaign still selected, run the Populate Campaign Customer Scope worksheet action. This populates all distinct values of the selected Customer Scope field in the Customer Scope worksheet.
  6. Go to the Customer Scope worksheet. Under the In Scope column, check the box in the cell next to each desired customer scope.
    To mark all customer scopes as in scope, expand the column's options and select Update. Set all In Scope values to 1 based on some criteria.
    Alternatively, import a CSV file with the desired Campaign Id, Customer Scope, and In Scope values into the Customer Scope worksheet.

When you run the campaign, the customer scope configuration will include only customers that match to one of the Customer Scope values marked as In Scope. If you marked no values as In Scope for a given campaign, then Campaign Manager considers all customers when you run the campaign.

For more information, read Customer scope.

How do I configure a product scope for a campaign?

  1. Go to the Sales IQ Products worksheet and identify or configure a column that contains the desired product groups you want to use.
  2. Go to the Action Types worksheet. Go to the cells under the Product Field column for each campaign action and select the dropdown option that represents Product Group Id values.
  3. If you created a new column in Step 1, run the Update Product Field Dropdown worksheet action to update the dropdown options.
  4. Go to the Action Review worksheet. Verify that the dropdown option you selected represents the Product Group Id values in this worksheet.
  5. Go to the Campaigns worksheet and select the desired campaign.
  6. Select the Populate Campaign Product Scope worksheet action. This populates the Product Scope worksheet with all distinct values of the selected Product Field dropdown option configured for each campaign action.
  7. Go to the Product Scope worksheet. Under the In Scope column, checkbox the cell next to each desired product scope.
    To mark all product scopes as in scope, expand the column's options and select Update. Set all In Scope values to 1 based on some criteria.
    Alternatively, you can import a CSV file with the desired Campaign Id, Action Type Id, Product Group Id, and In Scope values into the Product Scope worksheet.

When you run the campaign, the product scope configuration will only include product groups that match to one of the Product Scope values marked as In Scope. If you marked no values as In Scope for a given campaign, then Campaign Manager considers all product groups when you run the campaign.

For more information, read Product scope.

How do I configure a Talk Track for a Campaign?

  1. Go to the Campaigns worksheet and select a campaign.
    • If you want a simple Talk Track specified only at the level of Campaign + Action Type, run the Populate Campaign Talk Track worksheet action. This generates a talk track for each campaign action in the Campaign Manager > Talk Track worksheet whose Product Group Id is set to All.
    • If you want a Talk Track specified at the level of Campaign + Action Type + Product Group, run the Populate Campaign x Product Talk Track worksheet action. This generates a talk track for each distinct combination of Action Type + Product Group associated with the campaign.
      The distinct values of action type product groups are specified by the Product Field in the Action Types worksheet.
  2. Go to the Campaign Manager > Talk Track worksheet. Under the Talk Track column, edit the cells next to the desired talk tracks. Cells have a 255 character limit.
    Alternatively, import a CSV file with the desired Campaign Id, Action Type Id, Product Group Id, and Talk Track values into the Talk Track worksheet.

How do I specify a limit for a campaign?

  1. Go to the Campaigns worksheet and toggle the dropdown icon to the left of the desired campaign's ID. This reveals a list of the campaign's actions.
  2. Under the Max Per Customer and Max Per Sales Group columns, edit the cells next to the desired campaign actions to define the level of detail to which the limit applies.
    • The Max Per Customer limit is configured to limit the number of campaign actions per Customer Id.
    • The Max Per Sales Group limit references the Sales Group calculated column in the Customers worksheet.

When you publish actions, Campaign Manager applies these limits and includes any previously published campaign actions with a status of Identified. Campaign Manager does not include any with a status of Pursued or Closed.

For more information, read about campaign actions.

How do I configure and use the Feedback Loop feature?

  1. Go to the Customers worksheet.
  2. Select Column and KPI Settings.
  3. The Column and KPI Settings sidebar appears on the right side of the screen. Go to the Column tab.
  4. Select the Feedback Loop Segment card.
  5. Adjust settings in the modal as desired. To refine the column's rules, you can type certain commands as executed in SQL in the Column definition field. The Feedback Loop Segment defines the level of detail at which a historical pursue rate is calculated for previously-published actions.
  6. Go to the bottom-right corner of the modal and select Save.
  7. Go to the Campaign Manager > Published Actions > Feedback Loop worksheet.
  8. Repeat Steps 3-7 for the Max Days Published, Min Days Published, and Min Observations columns.

Go to the Action Review worksheet and expand the Feedback Loop column. For each action in review, the expanded columns display their number of observations and the following details:

  • Pursued Rate—The corresponding action's pursued rate for its Action Type + Product Group + Feedback Loop Segment combination.
  • Adjusted Action Impact—The corresponding action's adjusted impact. This column uses the value under Pursued Rate as a discount factor. When you publish actions, the Adjusted Action Impact column affects the final results in two ways:
    • If you specified a limit for a campaign, Campaign Manager first uses the Adjusted Action Impact column to rank the campaign's actions, then applies the limit.
    • If you applied an Action Impact Min Threshold, Campaign Manager publishes only the actions that meet the threshold.
  • Action Impact Min Threshold—The corresponding action's minimum impact threshold. To apply this threshold, run the Unflag Publish if Action Impact Adj. < Min worksheet action.

For more information, read about Action Review worksheet actions.

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