About campaigns
  • 06 May 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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About campaigns

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Article summary

Campaign Manager reads from various data sources to create sets of steps and relevant actions aligned with your objective. These sets are called campaigns, and their steps and relevant actions are called action types. After you set up and run a campaign, you can review its action types before publishing them to your desired end user system.

Manage campaigns in the Campaigns worksheet. Depending on your user permissions, the worksheet will resemble the following image.

Campaigns worksheet


Each campaign has the following attributes:

  • Campaign ID—Unique ID for the campaign. You cannot change this ID after creating the campaign.

  • Name—Descriptive name for the campaign.

  • Customer Scope Field—A field in the Customers worksheet that applies to a campaign's customer scope. Campaign Manager uses this when the Populate Campaign Customer Scope worksheet action runs.

    The column labels on the Customers worksheet are the available values for this field, with the exception of the Exclusion Flag column. To refresh available values, run the Update Customer Field Dropdown worksheet action. To edit available values, read Adjust eligibility.

  • Status—Status of the campaign (active or inactive). Change the status by running the Active Selected Campaigns or Deactivate Selected Campaigns worksheet action.

  • Start Date—Date when the campaign was first activated.

  • End Date—Date when the campaign was last deactivated.

  • Rank—Defines the rank of campaigns that might produce campaign actions with the same PGA scope. Action types attached to a campaign with a lower rank number take precedence over action types with the same PGA scope in campaigns with a higher rank number. The rank value applies only when multiple action types with the same PGA scope are created by more than one campaign in a single run.

    For more details, read Campaign conflicts.

For example,

Campaign A has a rank of 1. Campaign B has a rank of 2. Action type X is attached to both campaigns.

If the campaigns run simultaneously and both identify action type X for the same customer/product combination (PGA scope):

  • Only the action types in Campaign A are published.
  • Action types with the same scope in Campaign B are flagged as invalid.

If Campaign B is run and published first, and then Campaign A is run later and has action types with the same PGA scope as those published under Campaign B:

  • The action types in Campaign A with the same PGA scope are not published. This remains true if the action types for the initially published Campaign B are still active.
  • Scheduled—Select this option to indicate campaigns that should run and be published on a set schedule. To configure a schedule, contact Zilliant Support.

Worksheet actions

The Campaigns worksheet has nine worksheet actions.

  • Activate Selected Campaigns—Changes the status of the selected campaigns to Active, and populates or updates the appropriate rows on the Campaign Settings and Campaign Thresholds worksheets corresponding to each selected campaign.
  • Clone Selected Campaigns—Clones the selected campaigns and all applicable Campaign Settings, Campaign Thresholds, Customer Scope, Product Scope and Talk Track worksheet values. The new campaign ID is appended with an additional numeral 'I'.
  • Deactivate Selected Campaigns—Changes the status of the selected campaigns to Inactive, and cancels any published and active action types associated with the campaigns which have a status of Identified. Deactivating a campaign will not affect any published action types with a Pursuing or Closed (Won, Lost, Dismissed, Snoozed, Accepted, Rejected) status.
  • Update Customer Field Dropdown—Refreshes the values available in the Customer Scope Field dropdown on each campaign based on the current set of fields in the Customers worksheet.
  • Populate Campaign Customer Scope—Populates or updates the values in the Customer Scope worksheet for the selected campaigns based on the field defined in the Customer Scope Field column.
  • Populate Campaign Product Scope—Populates or updates the values in the Product Scope worksheet based on the field defined in the Product Field column of each action type associated with the selected campaigns.
  • Populate Campaign Talk Track—Populates or updates the available Talk Track worksheet values to be defined for each action type associated with the selected campaigns.
  • Populate Campaign x Product Talk Track—Populates or updates the available Talk Track worksheet values to be defined for each possible action type and product group combination associated with the selected campaigns.
  • Run Selected Campaigns—Runs the selected campaigns, refreshing the list of potential action types in the Action Review worksheet for review before publish. For each action type associated with the selected campaigns, the run pulls records from the corresponding Engine Output Worksheet View which both meet the defined customer and/or product scope, and satisfy the defined campaign thresholds.


A campaign action is the action type attached to a campaign. A campaign can include one or more campaign actions.

To add and manage a campaign's actions, go to the Campaigns worksheet and toggle the dropdown icon to the left of the desired campaign's ID. Depending on your user permissions, the dropdown worksheet will resemble the following image.

Dropdown campaign worksheet

Each campaign action has the following attributes:

  • Campaign ID—Links each campaign action to a campaign. This is part of the primary key for the campaign action and can't be modified after you create the campaign action.

  • Action Type ID—Links each campaign action to an action type. This is part of the primary key for the campaign action and can't be modified after you create the campaign action.

  • Action Priority—Defines a priority for the campaign action. Campaign Manager includes this value with published campaign actions as an available sorting attribute for use in any front end system. This value does not affect how campaigns are run or published.

  • Action Impact Min Threshold—Defines a minimum action impact threshold that Campaign Manager applies when you run the corresponding campaign. This threshold filters out potential campaign actions before populating the Action Review worksheet.

  • Visibility Period After Closed—Defines the number of days a campaign action should remain visible to users in any front end system after it is closed. If set to 0, the campaign action should no longer be visible in the front end system as soon as it is closed.

  • Max Per Customer—Sets the maximum number of campaign actions for the given campaign and action type that can be published at the same time for each customer. The limit includes previously published campaign actions with a status of Identified. It does not consider previously published campaign actions that are Pursued or Closed.

    This limit does not filter campaign actions from the Action Review worksheet, but Campaign Manager considers it in the validation step before you publish the campaign.

  • Max Per Sales Group—Sets the maximum number of campaign actions for the given campaign and action type that can be published at the same time for each sales group (as defined by the Sales Group field on the Customers worksheet). The limit includes previously published campaign actions with a status of Identified. It does not consider previously published campaign actions that are Pursued or Closed.

    This limit does not filter campaign actions from the Action Review worksheet, but Campaign Manager considers it in the validation step before you publish the campaign.

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