Header and footer
  • 07 Oct 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Header and footer

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Article summary

If you have the Commerce System Administrator role, eCommerce allows you to manage header and footer settings.

To access these settings:

  1. From the top navigation bar, select your account.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select Commerce Administration.
  3. From the left navigation area, select Global Settings.

A header is the top navigation bar of the eCommerce application. The header consists of:

  • A corporate logo—Also functions as a link to eCommerce’s landing page.
  • Navigation links
  • Language Settings—Appears as a globe icon and allows you to manage which language the eCommerce application displays.
  • User Profile Information—Appears as a profile icon or a custom profile image. Select it to view a dropdown menu of account options. Depending on your user permissions, you can access eCommerce application settings here.

eCommerce provides the following default navigation links:

  • All—All items which are visible in eCommerce and have classification values as Consumables, Spare Parts, or Products.
  • Products—All items which are visible in eCommerce and have classification values as Products. The purpose of this link is to show all machines (KMATs or material variants). Users can browse these machines and see related consumables, or use the visual product finder to find other products and spare parts. Should the inquiry process be enabled, users can also configure and submit inquiries, and request quotations.
  • Consumables—All items which are visible in eCommerce and have classification values as Consumables.
  • Spare Parts—All items which are visible in eCommerce and have classification values as Spare Parts.
  • Equipment—All items registered as Equipment. The purpose of this link is to show all registered products installed. Users can browse these equipment and see related consumables, or use the visual product finder to find other products and spare parts.

To manage the header, go to Header in your Global Settings. From here, eCommerce allows you to customize the following settings:

Label and order

To manage a navigation link’s label, select the language icon to the right of the link. Fill out the desired language fields and select Update. For localization of other eCommerce elements, read Localization.

To change a navigation link’s order, select the hamburger icon to the left of the link and drag it to the desired order.

Product categories and material groups

eCommerce allows you to further refine the parameters for navigation links. For products, consumables, and spare parts, assigning specific product categories or material groups to them provides users with a more focused browsing experience of the product catalog.

To manage a navigation link’s dropdown options:

  1. Select Details.
  2. Select Product Category or Material Group from the dropdown menu as desired.

    If you change a navigation link’s dropdown option type, eCommerce will discard selections for the previous type.

  3. Select Add.
  4. Turn on the category switch to allow it, then select Save.

If you don’t manage a navigation link’s dropdown options, selecting a navigation link will instead display the entire product hierarchy with relevant product filters. Note that product visibility within product categories and material groups is still subject to individual product settings. For more details, read Product visibility.

External navigation links

To add an external navigation link:

  1. From the top navigation area, select Add.
  2. Select Details.

eCommerce allows external navigation links to lead users to one of the following options:

  • A URL inside the current browser tab, or in a new browser tab.
  • A new page with an embedded application.

To lead users to a URL:

  1. In the URL field, enter a URL.
  2. Turn on or off the Open in New Browser Tab switch.

To lead users to a new page with an embedded external application:

  1. Go to Zilliant CPQ.
  2. From the left navigation area, select Administration.

    You must have the Commerce System Administrator role to access this menu item.

  3. From the top navigation bar, select Destination Configuration.

    If you don't see a menu item in Zilliant CPQ’s top navigation bar, select Open dropdown menu at the right end of the navigation bar, or select the left and right arrows to move through the navigation bar.

  4. Select one or more destinations.
  5. Go to Global Settings in eCommerce, then Header.
  6. Select Details for the desired external navigation link.
  7. Turn on the Enable iFrame switch.
  8. Select a destination from the dropdown menu.
  9. Select an alignment from the Mode dropdown menu.
  10. The selected mode fills in the Dimensions (pixels) fields by default. Adjust them as needed.

Enter and maintain the following additional properties:

isIFramePossible values are True or False.

Required to define that a destination is to be used for embedding iFrames.
activePossible values are True or False.

Determines whether or not a destination appears as a dropdown option in eCommerce when managing an external navigation link. If set to True, the destination will appear.
directURLPossible values are True or False.

Determines whether or not eCommerce needs an external call to determine the final URL. If set to True, the URL will be opened directly. If set to False, it is expected that the URL returns an actual URL which is opened.
Any other propertyThe URL may contain additional parameters to be passed which can be defined using the following pattern:


Replace {firstParam} and {secondParam} with the escape sequence.

A footer is the bottom navigation bar of the eCommerce application. The footer consists of:

  • Address information
  • Contact information
  • Social media links
  • Additional links

To manage the footer, go to Footer in your Global Settings. From here, eCommerce allows you to customize the following settings:

  • To manage a link’s label, select the language icon to the right of the link. Fill out the desired language fields and select Update. For localization of other eCommerce elements, read Localization.
  • To change a link’s order, select the hamburger icon to the left of the link and drag it to the desired order.
  • To make a link in the Additional Links section to open in the current browser tab instead of a new browser tab, turn on the Open in Current Tab switch.

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