Landing page
  • 08 Nov 2024
  • Dark

Landing page

  • Dark

Article summary

The eCommerce application displays a header, footer, and a banner in its landing page. If you configure more than one active banner for the landing page, eCommerce automatically scrolls through the banners.

Manage landing page banners


You must have the Commerce System Administrator role to access the following menu items.

  1. From the top navigation bar, select your account.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select Commerce Administration.
  3. From the left navigation area, select Landing Page Banners.
  4. Above the table of banners, optionally switch off the Apply gray overlay toggle to remove the default gray, gradated overlay on the landing page banner image or images. The overlay helps provide contrast between a light-colored banner image, the header, and menu text.

If you turn off the default overlay, make sure the banner images contrast sufficiently with the text that appears in the banner area. The WebAIM contrast checker helps measure contrast for different accessibility levels.

Each banner includes the following elements you can customize:

  • Image—Use a custom image to align with your company brand.
  • Header—(Optional.) Enter a title or welcome message for your banner.
  • Text—(Optional.) Enter more text in this field, such as an informational announcement or promotional message.
  • Button—(Optional.) Enter a label for the button. This cues the user where the button will lead them.
  • URL—(Optional.) Enter the URL to the location where the button leads the user.
  • Localization—(Optional.) To localize a banner’s content, select the language icon to the right of the banner. Fill out the desired language fields and select Update.

Add a banner

From the top navigation area, select Add and upload an image. For best resolution, use the following image file types, sizes, and dimensions:

  • File types: .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png
  • File size: Up to 70 KB
  • Width: 3,840 pixels
  • Height: 2,160 pixels

Configure automatic banner scrolling

  1. In the Display duration in [seconds] field, enter the number of seconds for which you want each banner to appear.
  2. Under the Active column, turn on the desired banners.

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