Group dynamic attributes in a knowledge base
  • 15 Nov 2024
  • Dark

Group dynamic attributes in a knowledge base

  • Dark

Article summary

A product modeler can organize product attributes into groups and subgroups based on the needs of the sales team. Note that a configurable product must include at least one group and subgroup with attributes. To hide specific attributes for certain roles, a product modeler can use the following features:

Use one of the following methods to create attributes groups and subgroups:

Create an attribute group and subgroup from the UI

  1. From the application left navigation area, select Products.
  2. Select a product.
  3. From the top navigation bar, select Knowledge Base.
  4. Select a knowledge base and go to the Groups / Sub-groups tab.
  5. Select to add a new group.
  6. Define the group name and position, then select Create.
  7. On the row for the group, select >.
  8. Select to add a new subgroup.
  9. Define the subgroup name and position, then select Create.
  10. On the row for the subgroup, select >.
  11. On the Attributes tab, select to add attributes to the subgroup.
  12. Select attributes, then select Add.

Create an attribute group and subgroup from the knowledge base Excel spreadsheet

  1. Download a product knowledge base.
  2. In the downloaded spreadsheet, on the GROUP sheet, define the group and subgroup names and add needed attributes.
  3. In Zilliant CPQ, select and then select a file to upload. When uploaded, the system checks the file for errors. If it finds errors, you will see an error message. Check and correct errors, and then upload the file again.
  4. Confirm the upload.

The following image shows how to fill in the GROUP sheet:

group KB attributes

For details on knowledge bases, read Create a knowledge base.

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