Enable duplicate search for existing lines
- 27 Aug 2024
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Enable duplicate search for existing lines
- Updated on 27 Aug 2024
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You can add a Quick action that the user can select to check for duplicates among exisiting lines in a deal.
Configure a Lightning Wrapper component
- Go to Developer Console and create a Lightning Component:
<aura:component access="global"
<zpl:DuplicateCheckModal duplicateCheckConfigurationName="<Name of the Deal Manager Duplicate Check Configuration>"
- Replace Name of the Deal Manager Duplicate Check Configuration with the name of the Deal Manager Duplicate Check Config record you created.
- Select Save.
Create a Quick Action
- Go to Setup > Object Manager > the Header (deal) object > Buttons, Links and Actions, then select New Action.
- From the Action Type dropdown, select Lightning Component.
- From the Lightning Component dropdown, select the name of the component you created.
- Set the value of Height to 250px.
- In the Label field, enter a custom name for the new action button, such as Duplicate Check.
- Select Save.
Drop the new action on the object layout
- Go to Page Layouts for this object and select a layout.
- In the Mobile & Lightning Actions section, find the new action button.
- Drag it to the correct place in the layout.
- Select Save.
Optionally configure labels in the Duplicate Check modal
Custom labels:
- Modal header—zpl.DuplicateCheckModalHeader
- Modal body—zpl.DuplicateCheckModalBody
- Cancel button—zpl.cancelButton
- Run button—zpl.CheckForDuplicatesButton
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