Create duplicate check configuration record
  • 29 Jun 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Create duplicate check configuration record

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Article summary

Сreate a Duplicate Check configuration record

  1. On the Duplicate Check Configurations tab, select New.

  2. In the New Duplicate Check Configuration dialog, enter or select values:

    • Name—Enter a name for the duplicate check configuration.

    • Batch size—​Enter the number of records to process, from 1 to 10000. The default batch size is 200.


      The more complex matching criteria you have and the more records you are evaluating, the lower the number should be.

    • Matching criteria—String criteria that defines how records should be compared in order to find duplicates. See Matching criteria for more information.

    • Lines to Evaluate Filter—Optional string filter criteria that defines which records will be evaluated. If not defined, all records will be evaluated. For the syntax, it should be a part of the SOQL query that you would include in the WHERE clause.


      Do not use when adding lines; by default, all new lines are evaluated.

    • Candidate Duplicate Lines Filter—Optional string filter criteria that defines which records the duplicate search will be run against. If not defined, all records are processed. For the syntax, should be a part of the SOQL query that you would include in the WHERE clause.


      Both Lines to Evaluate Filter​ and Candidate Duplicate Lines Filter filter conditions should use the same syntax as the WHERE clause of the SOQL query. For example, to use only active lines, set the filter to Status__c = 'Active'.

    • Target Object—API name of the sObject you will use duplicate search for. For example, zpl_ContractLineItem_c.

  3. Select Save.

Matching criteria

Matching criteria defines the fields you want to compare and how. It is a string that specifies conditions on how the fields in a candidate line should be compared to fields in the evaluated line.


The line is considered a duplicate if both of the following conditions are true:

  • Fields Account__c, LineLevel__c, and LevelValue__c are the same.
  • Effective dates (the range defined by the StartDate_c and EndDate__c fields) overlap.

The matching criteria for this business case looks like this:

Account__c = Account__c) AND (LineLevel__c = LineLevel__c) AND (LevelValue__c = LevelValue__c) AND
    (((StartDate__c >= StartDate__c) AND (StartDate__c <= EndDate__c)) OR ((EndDate__c >= StartDate__c) AND (EndDate__c <= EndDate__c)))

The matching criteria defines a set of field comparison criterias. A field comparison criteria can compare only a field on a candidate line to a field on an evaluated line. The system cannot define literal values in the matching criteria (e.g. Status__c = "Active"); a filter condition must be used instead.

Matching criteria is built from field conditions combined using AND and OR operators and parenthesis.

Field condition:

Field1 = Field2
  • Field1 is a field from potential duplicate record that should match the value of Field2 from evaluated record (record we are trying to find a duplicate of).
  • '=' is a comparison operator.

The following table shows allowed comparison operators.

=Equal to
>Greater than
>=Greater than or equal to
<Less than
<=Less than or equal to
!=Not equal to

Use AND and OR operators to combine field conditions:

(FieldCondition1) AND (FieldCondition2) AND (FieldConditions3) ...

(FieldCondition1) OR (FieldCondition2) OR (FieldConditions3) ...

Each field condition must enclosed in parenthesis.

Parenthesis must be used to ensure correct order of operation. They can also be used to create complex expressions:

(FieldCondition1) AND (((FieldCondition2) AND (FieldConditions3)) OR ((FieldConditions4) AND (FieldConditions5)))

Define a Deal Manager Duplicate Check Configuration

  1. Go to Deal Manager Duplicate Check Configs tab and select New.
  2. In the New Deal Manager Duplicate Check Config dialog, enter or select values:
    • Name—​Enter a user-friendly label.

    • Duplicate Check Configuration—Select the configuration you created in the Create a duplicate configuration record.

    • Filter Candidate Duplicates By Header—Selected by default. A Boolean that defines whether the Candidate Duplicate Lines should be limited by the current deal. Automatically combined with the Candidate Duplicate Lines Filter from the Duplicate Check Configuration.

    • Filter Lines To Evaluate By Header—Selected by default. A Boolean that defines whether Lines to Evaluate should be limited by the current deal. Automatically combined with the Lines To Evaluate Filter from the Duplicate Check Configuration.


      Do not use when adding lines; by default, all new lines are evaluated.

    • Quick Action Duplicate Check Message—Optional, the name of the Custom Label to override the message shown after duplicate check via Quick Action. If not defined, zpl.DuplicateLinesWereFoundMessage or zpl.NoDuplicatesFoundMessage Custom Label will be used.

    • Add Line Duplicate Check Message—optional, the name of the Custom Label to override message shown after duplicate check when adding lines. If not defined, zpl.AddLinesDuplicateCheckMessageLabel Custom Label will be used.

  3. Select Save.

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