Configure 3D Visual Product Finder
  • 08 Nov 2024
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Configure 3D Visual Product Finder

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Article summary

Zilliant CPQ allows you to enable a 3D Visual Product Finder for eCommerce. This feature allows users to view 3D models of products, helps users find spare parts for complex equipment, and otherwise provide a better understanding of products.

To view a product’s 3D model, select the Visual Product Finder button next to the product’s name.

Click, hold, and move your cursor to change your viewing angle of a product’s 3D model. eCommerce also allows you to scroll to zoom in and out of the 3D model. If a product is composed of several parts, the 3D Visual Product Finder displays a list of these parts to the right of the 3D model. Hover over a part to highlight its location in the 3D model.

Configure the 3D Visual Product Finder

To configure the 3D Visual Product Finder:

  1. Configure the Visual Product Finder.
  2. Enable 3D visualization for eCommerce.
  3. Attach a 3D model to a product.

To enable 3D visualization for eCommerce

eCommerce allows you to enable 3D visualization through out-of-the-box Threekit support.

To enable 3D visualization for eCommerce:

  1. Obtain an access token from Threekit 3D visualization tool.
  2. Sign in to Zilliant CPQ.
  3. From the left navigation area, select Administration.
  4. From the top tabs, select Destination Configuration.
  5. Create a new destination that uses this access token.
  6. From the top tabs, select Master Data Management.
  7. Select Setting Boolean.
  8. Select Enable Threekit Three Dimension Visualization.
  9. Set Setting Value Boolean to YES.

To attach a 3D model to a product

  1. Sign in to Zilliant CPQ.
  2. From the left navigation area, select Products.
  3. Select a product.
  4. From the top tabs, select Attachments.

    If you don't see this menu item, select Open dropdown menu at the right end of the navigation bar, or select the left and right arrows to move through the navigation bar.

  5. Select Add Link.
  6. In External Link, enter the ID of the product’s 3D model from Threekit 3D visualization tool.
  7. In Attachment Usages, select Threekit Product Finder for the 3D Visual Product Finder, or Threekit Product Viewer for 3D product detail functionality.
  8. Select Create.

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