Saved search
  • 29 Oct 2024
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Saved search

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Article summary

CPQ offers predefined saved search capabilities, as well as the ability to define and share search queries.

Saved searches comprise sort and filter criteria along with a definition of which fields to display on a data set.

Learn more about:

  • Using saved search queries
  • Defining custom queries
  • Conditionally hiding saved searches

Predefined saved searches

CPQ includes predefined saved searches for the objects shown in the following table.

ObjectSaved search
AccountAll Accounts, My Favorite Accounts
LeadAll Leads, My Favorite Leads
QuoteAll Quotes, My Favorite Quotes, Commerce Inquiries
ProductAll Products, My Favorite Products
EmailAll Emails, My Favorite Emails
TasksAll Tasks, Upcoming Tasks
Phone CallsAll Phone Calls, Upcoming Phone Calls
MeetingsAll Meetings, Upcoming Meetings

You cannot remove predefined saved searches.

View saved searches

To view available saved search queries for an object:

  1. From the application left navigation area, select an object (for example, Quotes).
  2. At the top right of the quotes list page, select Settings.
  3. Select Saved Searches.

Define custom queries

  1. From the application left navigation area, select an object.
  2. At the top right of the quotes list page, select the Settings icon.
  3. Select Saved Searches, then select Add New.
  4. In the Name field, enter the name for the new query.
  5. Select Save.

From the Saved Searches page, you can configure labels, define order sequence, hide, and delete saved search queries.
Saved search order and visibility

Conditionally hide saved search queries

By default, saved searches are available to all users. You can restrict their visibility based on user roles.

For example, as shown in the following image, you can define whether the search query should be visible and whether it should inherit the display or hide parameters from the saved search itself. For example, if you configure a saved search as hidden, but the exception profile overwrites this by setting the visibility to Show, the saved search is available only to users with the respective profile assigned to their roles.

Saved search exception settings

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