Define BOM triggers
  • 22 Nov 2024
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Define BOM triggers

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Article summary

After defining the product BOM and linking the knowledge base with it, a product modeler can specify BOM explosion triggers.

There are three categories of BOM explosion triggers:

  • Default BOM explosion
  • BOM explosion based on the dynamic attribute value
  • BOM explosion based on the dynamic attribute and quote attribute values

In BOM triggers, you need to define explosion conditions based on the values of one or more attributes, and specify actions to insert the product into the parent product.

In this topic:

How a BOM explosion trigger works

In BOM explosion triggers:

  • The AND operator is used between attributes with values.
  • If the same product BOM is returned by different trigger groups with the same position and quantity, it will be exploded only once due to the INTERSECTION concept.
  • If the same product BOM is returned by different rule groups with different positions or quantities, it will be exploded twice due to the UNION concept.
  • Empty values are ignored and do not contribute to the condition for exploding a product BOM.

The following image shows a sample BOM explosion trigger:


In this example:

  • Product A1 will be exploded when DA1 = DA1_1, DA2 = DA2_1, DA3 = DA3_1, and the quote’s Sales Org ERP ID is 0006.
  • Product A5 will be exploded when DA2 = DA2_5, DA3 = DA3_5, and the quote’s Sales Org ERP ID is 0007.
  • Product A6 will be exploded when DA2 = DA2_5.
  • Products A5 and A6 will be exploded when DA2 = DA2_5, DA3 = DA3_5, and the quote’s Sales Org ERP ID is 0007. This is because row 13 is a valid condition, and row 14 is also valid, since empty cells in row 14 are ignored and only DA2 is considered to decide if the product should be added.

Define a default BOM explosion trigger

The BOM explosion can be configured to execute automatically when the main configurable product is added to a quote. To enable this, a product modeler needs to:

  • Define a quote attribute to fetch the value from the product’s status.
  • Create a trigger of the BOM type to define the logic for triggering the BOM explosion based on the main product’s status.

Use one of the following methods to define a default BOM explosion trigger:

From the UI


To define a trigger, your product must have:


  1. Define a new trigger group:

    1. From the application left navigation area, select Products.

    2. Select a product.

    3. From the top navigation bar, select Knowledge Base.

    4. Select a knowledge base.

    5. On the Triggers tab, select to define a new trigger group.

    6. On the New Trigger Group dialog, enter information or make selections:

      • Name—Enter a name for the trigger group.
      • Type—Select BOM.
    7. Select Create.

  2. Select the trigger group from the list on the Triggers tab.

  3. On the Attributes sub-tab, select , select attributes to add to the trigger group, then select Add.

  4. On the Triggers sub-tab, select to create a trigger.

  5. On the Conditions tab, define the trigger condition.

  6. On the BOM Entries tab, select , then select the product BOM and select Add.

  7. From the bottom button bar, select Create to save the trigger configuration.

  8. Create a knowledge base snapshot to apply the trigger.

From the knowledge base Excel spreadsheet


To define a trigger, your product must have:


You can define a product BOM and a quote attribute together with the trigger in the knowledge base spreadsheet, as described in the following procedure.


  1. Download a product knowledge base.
    On the Download Options dialog, on the Trigger Groups tab, select a checkbox next to BOM and in the No. of Sheet(s) column specify the number of range trigger groups.

  2. If you want to define a new quote attribute, use the QUOTE_ATTRIBUTE sheet in the downloaded file. Use the following search expression:

  3. If you want to define a new product BOM, use the PRODUCT_BOM sheet in the downloaded file.

  4. On the RULE_X (where X is the trigger group sequence number) sheet, define information about the trigger group:

    • Name—Enter a name for the trigger group.
    • Sequence ID—Enter the trigger group's sequence ID. This ID helps to maintain the order of sheets inside the knowledge base spreadsheet when a user downloads it again.
  5. Add the QUOTE_ATTRIBUTE.QuoteAttributeName column, where QuoteAttributeName is the name of the quote attribute you created in Step 2. Then define the BOM explosion triggers, as shown on the following image:


  6. In Zilliant CPQ, select and then select the filled out spreadsheet to upload.

  7. Confirm the upload.

  8. Create a knowledge base snapshot to apply the trigger.

Define a BOM explosion trigger based on the dynamic attribute value

Use one of the following methods to define a BOM explosion trigger based on the attribute value:

From the UI


To define a trigger, your product must have:


  1. Define a new trigger group:

    1. From the application left navigation area, select Products.

    2. Select a product.

    3. From the top navigation bar, select Knowledge Base.

    4. Select a knowledge base.

    5. On the Triggers tab, select to define a new trigger group.

    6. On the New Trigger Group dialog, enter information or make selections:

      • Name—Enter a name for the trigger group.
      • Type—Select BOM.
    7. Select Create.

  2. Select the trigger group from the list on the Triggers tab.

  3. On the Attributes sub-tab, select , select attributes to add to the trigger group, then select Add.

  4. On the Triggers sub-tab, select to create a trigger.

  5. On the Conditions tab, define the trigger condition.

  6. On the BOM Entries tab, select , then select the product BOM and select Add.

  7. From the bottom button bar, select Create to save the trigger configuration.

  8. Create a knowledge base snapshot to apply the trigger.

From the knowledge base Excel spreadsheet


To define a trigger, your product must have:


You can define a product BOM together with the trigger in the knowledge base spreadsheet, as described in the following procedure.


  1. Download a product knowledge base.
    On the Download Options dialog, on the Trigger Groups tab, select a checkbox next to BOM and in the No. of Sheet(s) column specify the number of range trigger groups.

  2. If you want to define a new product BOM, use the PRODUCT_BOM sheet in the downloaded file.

  3. On the RULE_X (where X is the trigger group sequence number) sheet, define information about the trigger group:

    • Name—Enter a name for the trigger group.
    • Sequence ID—Enter the trigger group's sequence ID. This ID helps to maintain the order of sheets inside the knowledge base spreadsheet when a user downloads it again.
  4. Define the BOM explosion triggers, as shown on the following image:

  5. In Zilliant CPQ, select and then select the filled out spreadsheet to upload.

  6. Confirm the upload.

  7. Create a knowledge base snapshot to apply the trigger.

Define a BOM explosion trigger based on the dynamic attribute and quote attribute values

Use this type of triggers to execute the BOM explosion based on data points inside a quote, such as a sales organization. For example, a product modeler can define a trigger to explode a product that is only available for the quote's sales organization.

Use one of the following methods to define a BOM explosion based on the attribute value trigger:

From the UI


To define a trigger, your product must have:


  1. Define a new trigger group:

    1. From the application left navigation area, select Products.

    2. Select a product.

    3. From the top navigation bar, select Knowledge Base.

    4. Select a knowledge base.

    5. On the Triggers tab, select to define a new trigger group.

    6. On the New Trigger Group dialog, enter information or make selections:

      • Name—Enter a name for the trigger group.
      • Type—Select BOM.
    7. Select Create.

  2. Select the trigger group from the list on the Triggers tab.

  3. On the Attributes sub-tab, select , select dynamic and quote attributes to add to the trigger group, then select Add.

  4. On the Triggers sub-tab, select to create a trigger.

  5. On the Conditions tab, define the trigger condition.

  6. On the BOM Entries tab, select , then select the product BOM and select Add.

  7. From the bottom button bar, select Create to save the trigger configuration.

  8. Create a knowledge base snapshot to apply the trigger.

From the knowledge base Excel spreadsheet


To define a trigger, your product must have:


You can define a product BOM and a quote attribute together with the trigger in the knowledge base spreadsheet, as described in the following procedure.


  1. Download a product knowledge base.
    On the Download Options dialog, on the Trigger Groups tab, select a checkbox next to BOM and in the No. of Sheet(s) column specify the number of range trigger groups.

  2. If you want to define a new product BOM, use the PRODUCT_BOM sheet in the downloaded file.

  3. If you want to define a new quote attribute, use the QUOTE_ATTRIBUTE sheet in the downloaded file.

  4. On the RULE_X (where X is the trigger group sequence number) sheet, define information about the trigger group:

    • Name—Enter a name for the trigger group.
    • Sequence ID—Enter the trigger group's sequence ID. This ID helps to maintain the order of sheets inside the knowledge base spreadsheet when a user downloads it again.
  5. Add or remove the needed dynamic attributes.

  6. Add the QUOTE_ATTRIBUTE.QuoteAttributeName column, where QuoteAttributeName is the name of the quote attribute.

  7. Define condition values for the dynamic and quote attributes and assign the BOM entry ID, as shown on the following image:

  8. In Zilliant CPQ, select and then select the filled out spreadsheet to upload.

  9. Confirm the upload.

  10. Create a knowledge base snapshot to apply the trigger.

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