Additional Data for Proposal Generation
  • 14 Feb 2025
  • Dark

Additional Data for Proposal Generation

  • Dark

Article summary


Allows you to run a script to get additional data for the proposal generation.


Upload the script for Additional Data for Proposal Generation.

For details about uploading and configuring Groovy scripts, read Upload a Groovy script.

Binding variables

In addition to the common binding variables, the following binding variables are available for this extension point.

Variable name





Represents the quote or the Quote object associated with the agreement under negotiation. It contains the functions that you can use to query and modify the quote or agreement and its line item data.



Quote or agreement URI.

Expected output

The script should return additional parameters in the reportMap map, where key is String and value is Object.

Script execution

The script that you upload for this extension point runs automatically when a user generates a proposal from a quote or an agreement.

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