Additional Approval Action
  • 14 Feb 2025
  • Dark

Additional Approval Action

  • Dark

Article summary


Allows you to run a script to enable custom capabilities in the quote or agreement approval process, such as transferring the approval process to an external system.


To set up the extension point, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Groovy script in Zilliant CPQ.

  2. Set up the approval workflow.

Create a Groovy script

Create a Groovy script in Zilliant CPQ. Select Additional Approval Action as the script type.

For details about creating and configuring Groovy scripts, read Upload a Groovy script.

Set up the approval workflow

  1. From the application left navigation area, select Administration.

  2. From the top navigation bar, select Master Data Management.

  3. Scroll or search to locate Approval Gate and select it from the list.

  4. Select +.

  5. Select the newly added, empty row. On the Configuration tab, enter or select values to create an approval workflow:

    • Name—Approval gate name.

    • Script to Execute—Select the script of the Additional Approval Action type.

      Leave other fields empty.

  6. Select Save.

Binding variables

In addition to the common binding variables, the following binding variables are available for this extension point.

Variable name





Represents the quote or the Quote object associated with the agreement under negotiation. It contains the functions that you can use to query and modify the quote or agreement and its line item data.



Approval gate that triggers the script.

Expected output

The script should return string objects.

Script execution

The script of the Additional Approval Action type is run when all the following conditions are met:

  • A user submits an open quote or agreement under negotiation.

  • The defined approval gate is applicable to the quote or agreement based on the approval rules.

  • The script of the Additional Approval Action type is assigned to the approval gate.

The script output automatically displays as a note in the quote or agreement.

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