- 27 Jun 2023
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Pre-Entry Field Options Filterer
- Updated on 27 Jun 2023
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This Apex hook controls the list of options shown in the picklist of a Pre-entry field. If the hook is not applied, then all Picklist values appear in the dropdown.
The input for this hook includes the list of all pre-entry fields configured for this component, along with any current entered user value. This allows the hook to filter the Picklist of the current pre-entry field based on the values of previously entered pre-entry fields.
For example, assume you have two pre-entry fields: State and City. The State pre-entry field is a controlling field for the City pre-entry field. Each time the user changes the state pre-entry field, new options for the city pre-entry field are presented.
This Apex hook occurs before a Pre-entry field of type Picklist is displayed to a user on the Add Lines component.
Apex hook class
- It must implement the zpl.PreEntryFieldOptionsFilterer interface.
- It must have a global access modifier.
- You must specify the Apex hook class name in the Pre-entry Field Options Filterer field of the Product Selector Configuration.
Interface definition
* Interface for the hook class for filtering picklist options in configured pre-entry fields.
* @param currentField the pre-entry field for which the list of available options is configured
* @param defaultFieldOptions default list of options for the current pre-entry field
* @param allFields list of the pre-entry fields configured in the system
* @param valuesBySalesforceFieldName map of the user-entered values for the each pre-entry field defined.
* KEY: API name of the pre-entry field (SalesforceField__c), VALUE: user-entered field value
* @param headerRecordId the ID of current Header object record (ID of Contract or Price Lookup record)
* @returns a new list of options that will be displayed to user for selection for the current pre-entry field.
global interface PreEntryFieldOptionsFilterer
List<zpl__PicklistValue> getFilteredOptions(
zpl__PreEntryField__c currentField,
List<zpl__PicklistValue> defaultFieldOptions,
zpl__PreEntryField__c[] allFields,
Map<String, Object> valuesBySalesforceFieldName,
Id headerRecordId);
Example of the class implementation
global with sharing class SimplePreEntryFieldOptionsFilterer implements zpl.PreEntryFieldOptionsFilterer
private static final String STATUS_CONTRACT_LINE_ITEM_FIELD = Schema.SObjectType.zpl__ContractLineItem__c.fields.zpl__Status__c.getName();
private static final String EFFECTIVE_DATE_CONTRACT_LINE_ITEM_FIELD = Schema.SObjectType.zpl__ContractLineItem__c.fields.zpl__EffectiveDate__c.getName();
private static final String WAREHOUSE_PREFERENCE_CONTRACT_LINE_ITEM_FIELD = Schema.SObjectType.zpl__ContractLineItem__c.fields.WarehousePreference__c.getName();
global List<zpl.PicklistValue> getFilteredOptions(zpl__PreEntryField__c currentField, List<zpl.PicklistValue> defaultFieldOptions,
zpl__PreEntryField__c[] allFields, Map<String, Object> valuesBySalesforceFieldName, Id headerRecordId)
if (isStatusField(currentField) && isFutureEffectiveDate(valuesBySalesforceFieldName.get(EFFECTIVE_DATE_CONTRACT_LINE_ITEM_FIELD)))
List<zpl.PicklistValue> filteredPicklistOptions = new List<zpl.PicklistValue>();
for (zpl.PicklistValue picklistValue : defaultFieldOptions)
if (picklistValue.value != 'Active')
return filteredPicklistOptions;
if (isWarehousePreferenceField(currentField) && !isUserSystemAdministrator())
List<zpl.PicklistValue> filteredPicklistOptions = new List<zpl.PicklistValue>();
for (zpl.PicklistValue picklistValue : defaultFieldOptions)
if (picklistValue.label.startsWith('N'))
return filteredPicklistOptions;
return defaultFieldOptions;
private static Boolean isStatusField(zpl__PreEntryField__c currentField)
return currentField.zpl__SalesforceField__c == STATUS_CONTRACT_LINE_ITEM_FIELD;
private static Boolean isFutureEffectiveDate(Object effectiveDate)
return ((Date) effectiveDate) > Date.today();
private static Boolean isWarehousePreferenceField(zpl__PreEntryField__c currentField)
return currentField.zpl__SalesforceField__c == WAREHOUSE_PREFERENCE_CONTRACT_LINE_ITEM_FIELD;
private static Boolean isUserSystemAdministrator()
String userProfileName =
FROM profile
WHERE id =: UserInfo.getProfileId()
return userProfileName == 'System Administrator';