How Apex hooks work
  • 02 Jan 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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How Apex hooks work

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Article summary

Apex hooks are included at multiple points in the Deal Manager process flow. These hooks enable you to use an Apex class to customize the data returned by a specific point in the process. For each Apex hook, use of a custom Apex class at that point is optional.

Each Apex hook has a specific interface or interfaces that you must use to create the Apex class that is called for the hook.

Each Apex hook has a corresponding field on the Product Selector Configuration or other related object. This field indicates which Apex class should be called for an Apex hook, for any Add Lines or Line List component mapped to the Product Selector Configuration.

Multiple interface versions

New inputs or outputs may be required for a given hook. However, to maintain backwards compatibility, we cannot change the signature of an existing interface. Instead, we create a copy of the interface, rename the copy, and then add the new inputs or outputs to that copy.

When this occurs:

  • The original and copied services are included in the package.
  • Implementations that use the copied version of the interface will continue to work.
  • Future implementations will use the newest version.

Apex hooks summary

The following table lists Apex hooks, their associated component or modal, and corresponding Product Selector Configuration field or a field on another mapped SObject.

#Component / ModalName / DescriptionCorresponding field
1Add LinesFilters values in a pre-entry fieldPre-Entry Field Options Filterer
2Add LinesAdd Lines Records Display HookPre-entry Fields Configurer Class
3Add LinesAlters lines to be added—Pre-IQA HookLine Items Creation Configurer Class
4Add LinesAlters lines to be added—Post-IQA HookLine Items Evaluation Post Processor
5Line ItemsEditable/Deletable Lines Display HookLine Items Operations Configurer Class
6Line ItemsLine Items Filter HookLine Items Filterer Class
7Line ItemsDetermines available options in Line Items post-processable fieldFilter Field Post-Processor Class
8Line ItemsFilters line list based on Post-Processable Filter Field valueFilter Field Post-Processor Class
9Edit LinesOnChange Event Hook on Attribute Sublines in Edit Lines modalSubline Change Updater Class
10Edit LinesUpdates sublines and parent line when a tiered pricing subline is updated in Edit Lines modalTiered Subline Change Updater Class
11Edit LinesOnChange Event Hook on Parent Line in Edit Lines modal Line Change Subline Updater
12Parent LineParameter Subline Validation HookSubline Validator
13Template ListFilters Templates in Template List viewTemplate Provider Class
14Mass Edit controlFilters the list of available options in a Mass Edit policyMass Edit Parameter Options Filterer
15Configurable Data TableControls records display in CDTRecord Filterer Class

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