Create the artifact retrieval manifest
  • 07 Feb 2025
  • Dark

Create the artifact retrieval manifest

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Article summary

Learn how to manually create the artifact retrieval manifest. The manifest lists all artifacts that you want to retrieve from a ZOrg through Zilliant CLI.

To create the retrieval manifest automatically, run the project:manifest:create command.

Before you begin

Use Zilliant CLI to retrieve up to 10,000 rows of entity data. For bigger entities, use data migration tools, such as Zilliant's Entity Import service or Entity Export service .

Manifest structure

Use the following structure for the artifact retrieval manifest:

    "artifacts": {
        "entities": [
        "views": [
        "folders": [
        "workbooks": [
        "worksheets": [
        "dram": [
        "workflows": [
        "notebooks": [
    "data": [

While creating a manifest, consider the following:

  • Use a wildcard to retrieve all artifacts of a specific type.

  • For folders, workbooks, and worksheets, use their system IDs as their names in the manifest.


    • To find a workbook ID
      In Price Manager, open a workbook, select Properties > Workbook properties, and locate the Workbook Id field.

    • To find a worksheet ID
      In Price Manager, open a worksheet, select Properties > General properties, and locate the Worksheet Id field.

  • For all other artifact types, except for folders, workbooks, and worksheets, use their names as they appear in the Price Manager application.

  • When retrieving a folder, only its definition is retrieved. Folder contents are not retrieved automatically.


Use a wildcard to retrieve all artifacts of a specific type. Use the following sample script:

    "artifacts": {
        "folders": "*",
        "workbooks": "*",
        "worksheets": "*"

Dependency resolution

To control the dependency resolution behavior during artifact retrieval, use the --validation-mode parameter while running the zdx project:retrieve:start command. To learn more, read about the zdx project:retrieve:start command.

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