Configure product templates
  • 09 Aug 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Configure product templates

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Article summary

In this topic, learn how to configure a product template in Excel format, and upload it into the system.

Download a product template

Download the product template as described in Download a product template.

Alternatively, download the template from the Content Management area:

  1. From the application left navigation area, select Administration.
  2. From the top navigation bar, select Content Management.
  3. Go to {root folder} > excels > Product.
  4. Select Products.xlsx.
  • The template file name must be Products.xlsx.
  • The template file must have three sheets with these defined column names:
    • _ MasterData
    • _ ProductMasterData
    • Product
  • You can modify product properties in the Product sheet only.

Customize a product template

Add a ProductDimension sheet

A product modeler can add a ProductDimension sheet to support the import and export capability for dimension fields.

  1. Download Products.xlsx from Content Management.

  2. Select + to add a sheet.

  3. Rename the newly added sheet as ProductDimension.

  4. Define the ProductDimension sheet columns and their content as shown in the following image.


  5. Hide Column A from view.

  6. Select the Product sheet as the default sheet to be used when a user downloads the template from the system.

Expressions for the ProductDimension sheet

A3<jx:forEach items="${Products}" var="product">

Define localization for column labels

A product modeler can define the column label to display in a language other than English. In this case, the Label and Comment column names must comply with the following naming conventions:

  • LABEL_ — A two-letter language code
  • COMMENT_ — A two-letter language code

Maintain the two-letter language codes system in Administration > Language.

A product modeler can add new label and comment columns for different languages by copying LABEL_EN and COMMENT_EN and then changing the name of the column header. For example, change the column headers to LABEL_DE and COMMENT_DE to define German language localization.

Upload the product template into the system

  1. From the application left navigation area, select Administration.
  2. From the top navigation bar, select Content Management.
  3. Select excels.
  4. Select and then select the defined Product.xlsx template file to upload.
  5. In the Overwrite popup, select Yes to override the existing file.

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