About the product BOM
  • 12 Nov 2024
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About the product BOM

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Article summary

The product bill of materials (BOM) is a list of materials, subcomponents, spare parts, and their quantities, that comprise the structure of a product.

Use the BOM for better visibility into a product and to guarantee smooth and detailed ordering of products and their subcomponents.

The following image illustrates a toy car product, which includes body and wheel assembly components. The wheel assembly is further classified by its subcomponents (axel and wheel). Each component and subcomponent has its own required quantity as part of the main product.

Bill of Materials BOM components

As illustrated, subcomponents of the main product are included in the product BOM.

You can attach the product BOM to a knowledge base, where the modeler defines the BOM explosion rule to add the related products as sub-sales items, based on configured data. At run time, Zilliant CPQ selects the valid knowledge base and applies defined BOM explosion rules.


A product can have more than one BOM; however, only one BOM can be attached to a single knowledge base.

The BOM can include one or more related products (BOM entries).

For more information, read:

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