- 29 Nov 2022
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Sort data
- Updated on 29 Nov 2022
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You can sort data in a worksheet in several ways. You can:
- Reorder worksheet rows by column sort order
- Define a default view
- Reset your personalized view to the default view
Your sort selections are visible only to you. Your selections are saved and automatically applied each time you open a worksheet.
Reorder worksheet rows by column sort order
To arrange a worksheet according to the ascending or descending values in a specific column, select the column header. Select the header multiple times to sort data in ascending order, descending order, or none.
You can also sort worksheets by multiple columns. To do this, select the column header to sort the first column, then Shift+click to select additional column headers. As you do this, each sorted column displays a number marker that indicates the sort order.
For example, if the first-sorted column has the value Brake Parts in its first 100 rows, then the second-sorted column will further sort these 100 rows, and so on. There is no limit to the number of columns you can sort in your worksheets.
Define a default view for a worksheet
After dragging your worksheet columns into your preferred column order, applying desired column widths, setting column sort order, and setting column visibility, you can save the resulting view as the default view for that worksheet. This is what other users will see each time they reset their personalized views to the default view.
To save your current view as the default view:
- Next to Properties, select the dropdown icon.
- Select Set worksheet settings as default.
- Select one or more settings to save as default.
- Select Save.
Reset your personalized view to the default view
It can sometimes be useful to reset your personalized changes by reverting your view back to the default view. To do this:
- Next to Properties, select the dropdown icon.
- Select Reset worksheet settings to default.
- Select Save.