About product triggers
  • 22 Nov 2024
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About product triggers

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Article summary

In Zilliant CPQ, a configurable product can be modeled to include product-specific rules to automatically explode a product BOM, assign attribute properties, calculate attribute values, and more. Such product rules are called triggers (KBTrigger). Similar types of rules grouped within one object are called a trigger group (KBTriggerGroup). In the knowledge base Excel spreadsheet, a trigger group is defined in the RULE_X sheet (where X is the sequence number of the trigger).

Use triggers to perform the following tasks:

  • Restrict a specific attribute’s range value based on configuration data.
  • Execute a BOM explosion.
  • Assign values based on specific conditions.
  • Set attribute properties.
  • Calculate an attribute value.

There are four trigger group types:

  • Range (White List)
  • BOM
  • Conditional
  • BOM and Range

Access trigger groups

To open the list of trigger groups in Zilliant CPQ:

  1. From the application left navigation area, select Products.
  2. Select a product.
  3. From the top navigation bar, select Knowledge Base.
  4. Select a knowledge base.
  5. On the Triggers tab, view the list of all trigger groups.

Create trigger groups

To create a trigger group, follow the instructions based on the trigger group type:

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