- 30 Jun 2023
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View the job execution log
- Updated on 30 Jun 2023
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Some IQ Interface workbooks include custom and row-level actions that schedule back-end jobs in the Zilliant system. These actions can be executed immediately or scheduled to run at a specific time.
You can track most Price Manager actions through the job execution log. To check the status of jobs submitted by IQ Interface users, use one of the following logs:
- Dashboard execution log—Lists all jobs across all workbooks.
- Worksheet activity log—Lists jobs in a specific worksheet.
Both logs show the job name, execution time, user who ran the action, and status. The worksheet activity log shows only actions taken in that worksheet.
Dashboard execution log
To view the log:
Go to the Manager Dashboard.
Select Execution Log from the dropdown icon next to to WORKBOOKS at the top left of the page.
To refresh the log, select Refresh at the top right of the page. To exit the log and return to workbooks, select the dropdown icon, then select Workbooks. This displays all actions run across all worksheets in the organization.
Worksheet activity log
To view the log, open a worksheet, then select Activity Log from the actions menu.
This selection is available by default for all users. It does not require additional configuration.
To refresh the activity log, close and reopen it, or select the Refresh button.