Uninstall Zilliant CLI
  • 14 Feb 2025
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Uninstall Zilliant CLI

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Article summary

Uninstall Zilliant CLI on Windows

To uninstall Zilliant CLI on your computer, follow the instructions on the Microsoft Support website for your Windows version.

Uninstall Zilliant CLI on macOS

  1. In a terminal, run the which zdx command to verify the location of Zilliant CLI on your computer.
  2. Run the sudo rm -rf <install location>/zdx command to uninstall Zilliant CLI. Replace <install location> with the CLI location you got in Step 1.
  3. Enter your password to confirm the action.
  4. Run the which zdx command to verify that Zilliant CLI is uninstalled.
    If the command output is zdx not found, the CLI is removed from your computer.

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