Line Items Filterer Class
  • 27 Jun 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Line Items Filterer Class

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Article summary

This Apex hook adds filter conditions to the query that retrieves lines to be shown in an instance of the Line Items component.

The hook filters out records before a line list is presented to a user in the Line List view.

Apex hook class

  • It must implement the ScopedLineItemsFilterer interface.
  • It must have a global access modifier.
  • You must specify the Apex hook class name in the Line Items Filterer Class Name field of the Product Selector Configuration.

Interface definition

 * Interface for a hook class that encapsulates custom Contract Line Items pre-entry fields
 * filtering logic on Line-Items page. This version of the interface extends
 * LineItemsFilterer to add the option to include scoping restrictions.
 * To ignore scope, use LineItemsFilterer directly.
global interface ScopedLineItemsFilterer extends LineItemsFilterer
     * @param headerRecordId the ID of current Header object record (ID of Contract or Price Lookup record)
     * @param scope map of system-defined values by which to constrain the available records
     *       KEY: name of the scoping element, VALUE: value of the scoping element
     * @returns a condition that should be used on selecting ContractLineItems.
    zal.Condition getScopedFilterCondition(Id headerRecordId, Map<String, Object> scope);

Example of the class implementation

public with sharing class SimpleScopedLineItemsFilterer implements zpl.ScopedLineItemsFilterer
    public zal.Condition getScopedFilterCondition(Id headerRecordId, Map<String, Object> scope)
       String var =  (String)scope.keySet().iterator().next();
       return new zal.FieldCondition(Schema.SObjectType.zpl__ContractLineItem__c.fields.zpl__LevelValue__c.getName(),
                zal.Operator.EQUALS, scope.get(var));
    public zal.Condition getFilterCondition(Id headerRecordId) {
        return null;

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