Revenue Intelligence exercises
  • 13 Jun 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Revenue Intelligence exercises

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Article summary

Revenue Intelligence Bootcamp

Revenue Intelligence exercise

Revenue Intelligence Overview.pptx

Team up

For all of the Revenue Intelligence Bootcamp exercises, only one user can productively work on the environment at a time. Team up with everyone working on the same environment for these exercises and work through them as a group.

Sales IQ

Sales IQ Science Overview.pptx

Sales IQ Exercises

Data Prep

  1. Sales IQ > Engine Config > Aggregation Parameters
  2. Set Prior_Calendar_Years_to_Aggregate = 3
  3. Sales IQ > Engine Runner > Aggregated Time Periods
  4. Run Prep Data and Update Time Periods
  5. See time periods updated for each action type
  6. Sales IQ > Engine Config > Sales IQ Transactions
  7. Note Customer Currency and Currency Conversion Rate
  8. Sales IQ > Engine Config > Sales IQ Customers
  9. Update Customer Currency calculation:
    WHEN {Country} = 'United States' THEN 'USD'
    WHEN {Country} = 'Canada' THEN 'CAD'
    WHEN {Country} = 'United Kingdom' THEN 'GBP'
    ELSE 'EUR'
  1. Sales IQ > Engine Config > Currency Conversion
  2. Upload new currency conversions from Currency Conversions.csv
  3. Sales IQ > Engine Config > Sales IQ Transactions
  4. Note updated Customer Currency and Currency Conversion Rate
  5. Sales IQ > Engine Runner > Aggregated Time Periods
  6. Drill into analytics summary for TS; see currencies


  1. Sales IQ > Engine Config > Aggregation Parameters

  2. Update the years used for the seasonality analysis

    • Seasonality_Year_1 = 2021
    • Seasonality_Year_2 = 2022
  3. Sales IQ > Engine Runner > Aggregated Time Periods

  4. Run Run Seasonality

  5. Sales IQ > Engine Config > Seasonality Analysis

  6. Note lack of customer segmentation in analytics

  7. Sales IQ > Engine Config > Sales IQ Customers

  8. Update Seasonal Segment calculation:

  1. Rerun Run Seasonality
  2. Note identified seasonal pockets of business
  3. Sales IQ > Engine Config > Seasonality Factors
  4. Sort on Adjustment Factor to find adjusted segments
  5. Sales IQ > Engine Config > Sales IQ Transactions
  6. Sort on Seasonal Adjustment Factor to find adjusted transactions

LS Engine

  1. Sales IQ > Engine Config > Sales IQ Transactions
  2. Show LS Volume Metric calculation
  3. Sales IQ > Engine Config > Engine Parameters
  4. Note Evaluation_Periods and Baseline_Periods
  5. Sales IQ > Engine Runner > Engine Runner
  6. Run Run LS Engine
  7. Sales IQ > Outputs > LS Engine Output
  8. Sales IQ > Engine Config > Product Group Analysis
  9. Toggle to LS
  10. Sales IQ > Engine Config > Sales IQ Products
  11. Update LS Product Group calculation:
    WHEN {ProductLevel1} = 'Envelopes' THEN {ProductLevel1}
    ELSE {ProductLevel1} + ' | ' + {ProductLevel2} + ' | ' + {ProductLevel3}
  1. Sales IQ > Engine Config > Product Group Analysis
  2. Toggle to LS
  3. Sales IQ > Engine Runner > Engine Runner
  4. Run Run LS Engine
  5. Sales IQ > Outputs > LS Engine Output

XS Engine

  1. Sales IQ > Engine Runner > Engine Runner
  2. Run Run XS Engine
  3. Sales IQ > Outputs > XS Engine Output
  4. Sales IQ > Engine Config > Cluster Validation
  5. Note example clusters
  6. Sales IQ > Engine Config > Sales IQ Customers
  7. Update Cluster Segment calculation:
  1. Sales IQ > Engine Config > XS Customer Metrics
  2. Update Is Core calculation:
({Active_PG_Count} >= 5
AND {Ratio_Top_1} <=.6
AND {Ratio_Top_3} <=.95
AND {Segment_Volume_Percentile} >= 0.75
  1. Refresh worksheet and note change in Core Customers KPI
  2. Sales IQ > Engine Runner > Engine Runner
  3. Run Run XS Engine
  4. Sales IQ > Engine Config > Cluster Validation
  5. Note updated customer segmentation and clusters

TS Engine + Substitution

  1. Sales IQ > Engine Runner > Engine Runner
  2. Run Run TS Engine
  3. Sales IQ > Outputs > TS Engine Output
  4. Sales IQ > Outputs > SUB Output
  5. Sales IQ > Outputs > SUB Product Map
  6. Upload SUB Product Map from Private Label Subs.csv
  7. Sales IQ > Outputs > SUB Output

Campaign Manager

Campaign Manager Exercises I

Create, Run and Publish Campaign DIY

  1. Campaign Manager > Campaign Manager > Campaigns
  2. Insert a row to create a new Campaign with Campaign Id = DIY
  3. Add DIY Campaign Actions for Action Type Id LS and XS
    • Action Impact Min = 5,000
    • Visibility Period After Closed = 10
  4. Select DIY and run Activate Selected Campaign
  5. Run Run Selected Campaign
  6. Campaign Manager > Campaign Manager > Action Review
  7. Campaign Manager > Campaign Manager > Review Analytics
  8. Note number of Recovery Actions
  9. Note DIY LS Thresholds
  10. Campaign Manager > Action Types > Action Types
  11. Note LS Action Type Threshold Conditions
  12. Sales IQ > Outputs > LS Engine Output
  13. Filter worksheet to match DIY LS Thresholds
  14. Note number of records matching filters
  15. Campaign Manager > Campaign Manager > Action Review
  16. Run Publish Selected Actions
  17. Campaign Manager > Published Actions > Published Campaign Actions

Campaign Manager Exercises II

Campaign Manager Basics.pptx

AKA Substitution Campaign

  1. Campaign Manager > Campaign Manager > Campaigns
  2. Create and Activate a new Campaign AKA with Campaign Action SUB
    • Visibility Period After Closed = 10
  3. Create TypeRegion calculated field on Customers worksheet
{CustomerType} + '-' + {Region}
  1. Run Update Customer Field Dropdown
  2. Add AKA Customer Scope on TypeRegion
  3. Update Customer Scope to include OEM-North and OEM-South
  4. Update Campaign Threshold Max_Days_Ago_Last_Sale = 500
  5. Add Campaign Talk Track
  6. Run and publish AKA Campaign

DIY I Product Scoped Campaign

  1. Select DIY and run Clone Selected Campaigns
  2. Select DIY I and run Populate Product Scope
  3. Add DIY I Product Scope on Heavy Weight Paper for XS and LS
  4. Update DIY I Campaign Thresholds
    • Min_Percent_Decrease = -0.3
    • Min_Ratio_Gap = 0.5
  5. Update Campaign Ranks
    • DIY = 1
    • DIY I = 2
  6. Run DIY and DIY I Campaigns
  7. Review Analytics
  8. Publish Campaigns

Campaign Publish Examples.pptx

Interacting with Published Actions API Exercises

EXS (Entity Export Service)

  1. POST Visible PGAs export
  2. GET Export status
  3. GET Export report
  4. GET Download the file

LEDS (Logical Entity Data Service)

  1. GET PGAs for one Customer
  2. POST Log PGA Activity
  3. PATCH Update PGA Status

REPORT (Report Service)

  1. GET Customer Growth Money Map view
  2. GET Recovery Spend view

Integration Approaches

Sales Planner Basics.pptx

Campaign Manager API Basics.pptx

Revenue Intelligence Challenge Assignment

Create, Run and Publish a new Campaign of Win-back actions only including actions for Folder products and excluding Reseller customers.

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First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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