- 06 Oct 2023
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Refresh time periods
- Updated on 06 Oct 2023
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Each time you add new transaction data to Sales IQ, you must refresh the time period data in the Sales IQ system. Sales IQ uses the following entities and configuration settings to define this data:
- SIQ Transaction Aggregated entities.
- SIQ Aggregation Periods. To view these entities, go to the Aggregation Period worksheet.
- SIQ Time Periods. To view these entities, go to the Aggregated Time Periods worksheet.
- Aggregation Parameters settings.
- “_Periods” Engine Parameters settings.
To refresh time period data, go to the Aggregated Time Periods worksheet. Depending on your user permissions, the worksheet will resemble the following image.
Select the Prep Data and Update Time Periods worksheet action. This action updates SIQ Aggregation Periods and SIQ Time Periods based on SIQ Transaction Aggregated entities, Aggregation Parameters, and “_Periods” Engine Parameters.
Aggregation Parameters
To view these settings, go to the Aggregation Parameters worksheet. Depending on your user permissions, the worksheet will resemble the following image.
Time period data refreshes based on the following parameters:
- Aggregation_Period—Defines the aggregation period for SIQ Transaction Aggregated entities and SIQ Aggregated Periods based on transaction master data. To edit, read Manage the aggregation period.
- Prior_Calendar_Years_to_Aggregate—(Optional.) Defines the number of calendar years used for SIQ Transaction Aggregated entities.
- Min_Percent_Aggregation_Period_Complete—Sales IQ sets the end date for SIQ Time Periods to the date of the latest SIQ Aggregation Period. For an SIQ Aggregation Period to be flagged as the latest, this parameter defines the minimum threshold on how complete the entity must be.
If the following conditions are met:
- You set Aggregation_Period to Month.
- The most recent SIQ Aggregation Period is November 2020.
- The most recent transaction in that aggregation period is 11/25/2020.
Then Sales IQ measures the November 2020 SIQ Aggregation Period as 0.83 complete (25 completed days / 30 days in the SIQ Aggregation Period). If you set the Min_Percent_Aggregation_Period_Complete threshold to:
- 0.9—then any refreshed time period data will include only the prior aggregation period (October 2020).
- 0.8—then any refreshed time period data will include only the November 2020 aggregation period.
Manage the aggregation period
To edit the aggregation period for SIQ Transaction Aggregated entities and SIQ Aggregated Periods:
- Go to the Aggregation Parameters worksheet.
- Go to the Parameter Value column.
- Double-click the cell next to Aggregation_Period.
- Enter “Week,” “Month,” or “Custom,” and click out of the cell to save.
To edit a custom aggregation period, go to the Sales IQ > Engine Config > Aggregation Period Custom worksheet and edit the Custom Start Date and Custom End Date calculated columns.
“_Periods” Engine Parameters
To view these settings, go to the Engine Parameters worksheet. Depending on your user permissions, the worksheet will resemble the following image.
Sales IQ sets the start date for an SIQ Time Period equal to n periods before the entity’s end date. To set the value of n, go to this worksheet and edit the Parameter Value next to the corresponding Parameter Name that ends with “_Periods.”
If the following conditions are met:
- You set Aggregation_Period to Month.
- The most recent SIQ Aggregation Period is June 2020.
- You set Evaluation_Periods to a Parameter Value of 3.
Then Evaluation_Periods creates an SIQ Time Period with the following attribute values:
- Time Period Id is Evaluation.
- Start Date is 4/1/2020.
- End Date is 6/30/2020.
Based on the preceding example, the generated SIQ Time Period will resemble the following image.