Pricing Health
  • 28 Feb 2025
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Pricing Health

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Article summary

Zilliant Gen AI helps you identify critical data developments that impact your business, such as revenue trends and product performance. Go to Pricing Health and select a report category to view insights.

Analytics’s standard analysis report categories are:

  • Low Margin Analysis—Identify products, product categories, and customers with undesirable margin profiles. These interactive bar charts analyze products and product categories by revenue, margin dollars, or transaction volume.
  • Pricing Trends—Analyze price/volume, price/cost, and margin/volume trends for products. If any trends are misaligned, these interactive, time-series line graphs identify necessary price adjustments.

To view granular data, hover over a data point in a report.

To drill up or down in a Pricing Trends report, hover over the top right corner of the report and select a drill up or down option.

Filter by date range

By default, the reports use data from the previous seven days.

To change the date range of displayed data:

  1. Expand the Date Picker.
  2. Select a date range.
  3. Select Apply.

Filter by attributes

To filter the displayed data by different attributes:

  1. Select Filters FilterListFilled.
  2. Enter or select values for Product ID, Product Name, Product Category, Customer, City, Subdivision, and Country.
  3. Select Apply.

The number of active filters on this page appears next to the Filters icon.

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