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Article summary

Import an Opportunity from C4C to Zilliant CPQ

To import an opportunity from C4C to CPQ, trigger the service through the C4C web service menu, using the URL Mashup.

The following image illustrates the opportunity export flow:
CPQ Opportunity Flow.png

A new window or HTML Mashup embeds the CPQ view inside the C4C system.

To export the HTML Mashup, select the CPQ Opportunity menu.

If the system is not configured to use SSO, sign in to CPQ. After signing in, the opportunity view appears with the current opportunity.

Import partners of an opportunity from C4C

The following table lists available partners in C4C and supported partners in CPQ.

C4C PartnerCPQ equivalentC4C quote import
SALES_UNIT_PARTYNot SupportedNot supported
SALES_TEAM_PARTYNot SupportedNot supported
COMPETITOR_PARTYNot SupportedNot supported
OTHER_PARTYNot SupportedNot supported

The SettingSyncPartnerOpportunityEnabled setting is defined in the application schema file. Use this setting to enable the synchronization of partners from imported opportunity.

To enable the setting in CPQ:

  1. Go to Administrationand select Setting Boolean.
  2. Search for SettingSyncPartnerOpportunityEnabled.
  3. Set the Setting Value Boolean switch to Yes.

Import an opportunity with custom fields from C4C

CPQ supports the import of custom fields to the Opportunity SUBJECT_TYPE in an opportunity dataset.

Import an opportunity header custom field from C4C

To map custom fields for an opportunity header, set the properties listed in the following table, where MX_GRAPH_TYPE_URI, MX_SUBJECT_TYPE_URI and CFC_XPATH are fixed.

Field nameValue/DescriptionExampleFixed?
MX_FIELD_URICustomized in the application-schema-ext.owl with the Opportunity domain.http://www.inmindcloud.com/application/application-schema-ext.owl#zOpportunityXxxXxxXxxNo
CFC_FIELD_NAMECreated in C4C..a00:zOpportunityXxxXxxNo
CFC_FIELD_NAME_SPACEName space of the custom field.http://sap.com/xi/AP/CustomerExtension/BYD/A0014No

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