IMCScript variables
  • 30 Dec 2024
  • Dark

IMCScript variables

  • Dark

Article summary

Variables in IMCScript store values and functions that your script references or manipulates.

Variables characteristics and requirements

  • Variables are case sensitive.

  • Variables must begin with a-z, A-Z, _ (underscore), or $ (dollar sign), followed by 0-9, a-z, A-Z, _ (underscore), or $ (dollar sign). For example:

    • Valid: var1, _99, $1
    • Not valid: 9v, !a99, 1$

Literal variables

Literal variable types available in IMCScript are:

  • Integer
  • Double
  • String


var count = 5;                          // Integer value
var percentage = 65.7;                  // Double value
var name = "Zilliant";                  // String value

Non-literal variables

Non-literal variables available in IMCScript are:

  • List—Returns the EBList data type.
  • Map—Returns the EBMap data type.


var emptyList   = List.create();            //List []
var list        = List.create(3,4,5);       //List [3,4,5]
var map         = Map.create();             // Map {}

Working with List and Map

Initialize, access, and manipulate Array and Map as shown in the following example:

var emptyList   =   List.create();          // --> []
var list        =   List.create(3,4,6,7);   // --> [3,4,6,7]
var map         =   Map.create();           // --> {}

list.deleteAt(2);                           // --> [3,4,7]
list.delete(7)  ;                           // --> [3,4]

list.add(5);                                // --> [3,4,5]

map.add('A','Apple') ;                     // --> {'A':'Apple'}
map.add('B','Banana');                     // --> {'A':'Apple','B':'Banana'}

map.delete('A');                            // --> {'B':'Banana'}

map.add('C','Cherry');                     // --> {'B':'Banana','C':'Cherry'}

var firstItem       =   list[0];            // --> 3
var keys            =   map.keys();         // --> ['B','C']
var fruitOfSummer   =   map['C'];           // --> 'Cherry'

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