Gen AI Data Explorer
  • 28 Feb 2025
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Gen AI Data Explorer

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Article summary

Zilliant Gen AI Data Explorer empowers you to create visualizations and find answers to questions without requiring you to comb through dashboards or write SQL queries. Simply use natural language to generate results, including data visualizations with summaries.

Data Explorer requires properly-formatted transactional data uploaded through Zilliant. For more details, read Data upload.

Depending on the page in Analytics, examples of supported input are:

  • How many units of Product A were sold in City X last week?
  • Show me the revenue trend of my three largest product categories.
  • Which products currently have the lowest margins?
  • Show me any products where costs are increasing faster than prices.

Use Data Explorer

  1. Go to the top of a page.
  2. Select the Data Explorer bar.
  3. Enter a question or instruction relevant to the current page or select a pre-configured prompt. This launches a modal with the results of your input.

To expand your view of Data Explorer's results, select Enter Fullscreen Mode.

To collapse your view of Data Explorer's results, select Exit Fullscreen Mode.

To exit Data Explorer's results, select .

Analyze Data Explorer results

Data Explorer provides visuals and a results summary with most generated results. To view visuals associated with each line in a summary, hover over the line. Data Explorer highlights the associated visual with a heavy solid border.

Change a visual's graph type

  1. Hover over an answer.
  2. Select Change Visual Type.
  3. Select a graph type.

View AI-generated insights for a visual

  1. Hover over an answer.
  2. Select View Insights/Forecasting.

Expand a visual

  1. Hover over an answer.
  2. Select Expand Visual.

To return to all generated results, hover over the visual and select Collapse Visual.

View how Data Explorer generated a visual

  1. Hover over an answer.
  2. Select Options > View explanation.
  3. Select Next or Previous to view each step of the explanation.
  4. Select Back to answer to return to your input result.

Export a visual as a CSV file

  1. Hover over an answer.
  2. Select Options > Export to CSV.

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