- 02 Oct 2023
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Create a price build
- Updated on 02 Oct 2023
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A price build represents the databases associated with a pricing waterfall. Follow the steps in the following sections to create a price build:
Create a price build
- From the Manager Dashboard, select Price Builds and Engine > Configuration, then select Builds.
- On the Price Builds worksheet, select Insert Row.
- On the Insert row dialog, enter the desired information or make selections:
- Build Name—Enter a unique name for the price build. Names are limited to 100 characters. Special characters are allowed.
- Description—(Optional.) Enter a description for the build.
- Folder—Leave blank for an auto-generated folder. Alternatively, enter a folder destination. Use the SalesForce Folder ID as the target folder for the build.
- Select Save.
Add price elements
You can add multiple price elements for each price build.
- From the Manager Dashboard, select Price Builds and Engine > Configuration, then select Builds.
- On the Build Elements worksheet, select Insert Row.
- On the Insert row dialog, enter the desired information or make selections:
- Price Build—Select a price build to associate with a specific price element.
- Element Name—Select the price element.
- Workbook Link—The value for this field is auto-generated by the price builder after it processes the price build.
- Element Order—(Optional.) Enter a number that represents the location where the element appears in the price waterfall. For example, gross price is likely the first element.
- Element Workbook—The value for this field is auto-generated by the price builder after it processes the price build.
- Select Save.
Generate a price build
After you create a price build and associate it with price elements, you must generate the build.
- From the Manager Dashboard, select Price Builds and Engine > Configuration, then select Builds.
- On the Build Elements worksheet, find a row with the name of the price build.
- In that row, select Process Price Build.
When Pricing Engine processes the price build, you'll see a status message in the Status column.
Upon successful processing, Pricing Engine automatically creates a new folder bearing the name of your price build. In this folder, Pricing Engine generates workbooks for each price element that you added to the build. To locate the folder, go to the Manager Dashboard, select Price Builds and Engine > Price Builds, then expand the folder with the name of your price build.