C4C setup
  • 25 Oct 2024
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C4C setup

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Article summary

To set up Zilliant CPQ and SAP Cloud for Customer (C4C) to communicate with each other, complete the following setup tasks in C4C:

  1. Set up the HTML mashup or URL mashup in C4C to define the point of entry to CPQ based on your customer’s requirements. Set up a mashup for Account, Opportunity and Quote.
  2. Activate web services in C4C.
  3. Download the keystore files and upload them to CPQ.
  4. Embed the CPQ application inside the Account/Opportunity/Quote.

Set up C4C to export an account to CPQ

To author the HTML mashup, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to C4C.

  2. In C4C, go to Administrator in the left navigation area, then select Mashup Authoring.

  3. At the top of the All Mashups page, select New, then use the down arrow to select HTML Mashup.

  4. In the General Information area of the page, select With Port Binding as Port Binding Type.

  5. Double-click inside the Port Binding field to open the Port Binding screen.

  6. Make the following selections:

    • Port Name—Select Additional Account Information.
    • Import Field—Select Account Internal ID.
    • Screens—Select Account Details.

    C4C Port Binding window for Accounts Mashup

  7. In the HTML Mashup page, enter a Mashup Name such as "CPQ Account."

  8. In the Configuration Information area, enter information or make selections as follows:

    1. Create the HTML mashup for account export to CPQ. Enter the following URL, replacing the domain with the customer's CPQ URI:
    2. Set a value for Height.
    3. Select Extract Parameters.
  9. Uncheck the AccountID parameter not to use Constant.

  10. Select AccountInternalID.

  11. Select Preview to view the CPQ signin page.

  12. Select Activate.

  13. Select Save, then select Close.

The following image shows the configuration screen:

C4C HTML Mashup Account Config Information

Set up C4C to export an opportunity to CPQ

To create the HTML mashup to export an Opportunity to CPQ, use the following URL when prompted in the steps in this section.


To author the HTML mashup, complete the following steps:

  1. In C4C, go to Administrator in the left navigation area and select Mashup Authoring.
  2. At the top of the All Mashups page, select New and select the down arrow to select HTML Mashup.
  3. In the HTML Mashup page, select With Port Binding as Port Binding Type.
  4. Double-click inside the Port Binding field to open the Port Binding screen as shown in the following image:
    1. Select Opportunity Info as Port Binding.
    2. Select OpportunityID as Import Field.
    3. Select Opportunity Details as Screens.
  5. Select OK.

The following image shows the Port Binding settings for Opportunity:

C4C Port Binding Window Opportunity
6. When you are finished, select Preview to see the CPQ signin page.
7. Select Activate.
8. Select Save and Close.

Set up C4C to export a quote to CPQ

To create the HTML mashup to export a quote to CPQ, use the following URL when prompted to export the Account to CPQ, where you can then set uiModeEmbedded=true if you want to show the CPQ view inside the C4C.

**URL:** [https://xxx.xxx.com/iss/?entryPoint=CFC&action=importQuoteLight&quoteID=ObjectID&uiModeEmbedded=tru](https://xxx.xxx.com/iss/?entryPoint=CFC&action=importQuoteLight&quoteID=ObjectID&uiModeEmbedded=true)

To author the HTML mashup, complete the following steps:

  1. Log into C4C.
  2. In C4C, go to Administrator in the left navigation area and select Mashup Authoring.
  3. At the top of the All Mashups page, select New and use the down arrow to select HTML Mashup.
  4. In the HTML Mashup page, select With Port Binding as Port Binding Type.
  5. Double-click inside the Port Binding field to open the Port Binding screen.
    1. Select Quote Services as Port Name.
    2. Select Object ID as Import Field.
    3. Select Sales Quotes Details as Screens.
  6. Enter a Mashup Name. For example, "Cloud CPQ Express."
  7. In the Configuration Information section, complete the following steps:
    1. Select URL as Type.
    2. Enter https://xxx.xxx.com/iss/?entryPoint=CFC&action=importQuoteLight&quoteID=ObjectID&uiModeEmbedded=tru in the URL field.
    3. Enter 1024 in the Height field.
    4. Select the Extract Parameters link.
    5. Uncheck the quoteID parameter not to use Constant value.
    6. Select ObjectID.
  8. After you have completed the previous steps, select Preview to see the login page of CPQ.
  9. Select Activate.
  10. Select Save and Close.

When you finish authoring the HTML mashup, you can personalize the Account, Opportunity, and Quote pages and embed their the HTML mashups as a CPQ components inside details views for each of these in C4C.

Activate web services in C4C

Before activating web services in the C4C, you must create a communication system in C4C, along with a technical user that can access the web services.

  1. In C4C, go to Administrator and select General Settings.
  2. In the Integration section of the General Settings page, select the Communication Systems link as shown in the following image under Integration.

C4C Integrations Menu

  1. In the Communication Systems page, select New.
  2. In the Basic Information screen, provide the following information:
    1. Enter the ID, for example,"CPQ."
    2. Toggle the SAP Business Suite setting to No.
    3. Enter https://www.inmindcloud.com in the Host Name field.
    4. Set Internet as System Access Type.
    5. Enter additional information such as First Name, Last Name, Email, and Phone.
  3. In the Actions link at the bottom right of the screen, select Active.
  4. Select Save and Close.
    The following images shows the Basic Information page.

Communications System Basic Information page

Next, add a Communication Arrangement to the Communication System you just created. CPQ will consume the following web services from C4C:

  • Query Accounts
  • Query Contacts
  • Query Opportunities
  • Sales Quote Integration
    • Manage Sales Quote In
    • Query Sales Quote In
  • Query Materials
  • Query Code Lists
  • Query Employee
  • Query Business Partners
  • Query Organizational Unit
  • Query Object Identifier Mapping

To configure the Communication Arrangement in C4C, complete the following steps:

  1. In C4C, go to Administrator and select General Settings.
  2. In the Integration section of the page, select the Communication Arrangement link.
  3. In the Communication Arrangement screen, select New.
  4. In the New Communication Arrangement.
  5. In the Select Scenario tab, select one communication scenario, for example, Query Code Lists as shown in the following image:

Communication Arrangement Select Scenario
6. Select Next to go to Define Business Data.
7. In the Define Business Data tab, select the System Instance ID

Communication Arrangement Define Business Data

  1. Select Next to define technical data.
  2. In the Define Technical Data tab, Select Direct Connection as Communication Method.
  3. Select Yes for Inbound Communication Enabled.
  4. Select Web Service for Application Protocol.
  5. Select SSL Client Certificate for Authentication Method.

The settings are shown in the following image:

Select Technical Data


The user ID _MX is automatically created. Later this user ID is used to generate the keystore file to upload to CPQ.

  1. Select Check Completeness to see if the definition is complete.
  2. Select Next to review.
  3. Review the new Communication Arrangement.
  4. Select Finish in the Review screen, as shown in the following image:

Comm Arrangement Review

  1. Refresh the page. The Query Code Lists should be added to communication partner, as shown in the following image:

Comm Arrangement Final Screen

  1. Continue the same steps for other web services used by CPQ, except for the sales quote Integration web service, which is pre-delivered by SAP.

If you do not see the Query Code Lists, please follow the SAP documentation to enable the integration in the Implementation Project Scoping: Sales Quote Integration

Download C4C keystore files

CPQ needs the following two certificates to be installed inside the keystore folder to import, export, and synchronize the Account, Opportunity, and Quote.

  • Query_Opportunity_Imported—used to import Account, Opportunity, and Quote from CPQ.
  • Manage_Quote_Imported—used to export the quote back to the C4C from CPQ.

Existing customers can download both files. New customers may download only Query_Opportunity_Imported.


Check the certificate of web services in C4C used in CPQ regularly.

Download C4C keystore file for Query_Opportunity_Imported

The following section explains how to generate the keystore file for Query_Opportunity_Imported from C4C.

Use this keystore file for most web services communication except for the sales quote integration web service which needs another key store file.

  1. In C4C, go to Administrator in the left navigation area.
  2. Select General Settings and then Communication Arrangements as shown in the following image:

General Settings Communication Arrangements

  1. Select one of the communication scenario setups for CPQ. For example, Communication Arrangement: Query Code Lists.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Select the Technical Data tab.
  4. Select the Edit Credentials button.

Comm Arrangement Query Code List Tech Details

  1. Select Certificate.
  2. Enter the Password. Note the password as it needs to used in the application.properties file inside CPQ.
  3. Select OK to download the keystore file for Query_Opportunity_Imported.
  4. Select Save and Reactivate.

The following image shows the keystore file information:

Query List Cert
13. Go to the file location where the downloaded files are kept.
14. Rename the Download.p12 to Query_Opportunity_Imported.p12.

Use the following steps to upload this file to CPQ:

  1. In CPQ, go to Administration and select Content Management.
  2. At the root page, select Keystore and then Query_Opportunity_Imported.p12. to upload the file.

Please note the Valid To date because the keystore file needs to be regenerated by removing the certificate and following the same steps when it expires or for any security reason.

Embed the HTML mashup

To embed the HTML Mashups in C4C, complete the following steps:

  • The mashup you wish to add must be activated
  • Adaptation must be enabled in C4C.
  1. Sign in to C4C.
  2. Select User Profile and then Start Adaptation.
  3. Select the Pencil icon on the top tab.
  4. Select Add Tab.
  1. Enter Title of tab.
  2. Enter Section Title (Account).
  1. Click Apply.
  2. Select the CPQ menu from the drop-down menu or scroll to the right.
  1. Click Add and select Mashup.
  1. Select the HTML Mashup that was configured to integrate with CPQ.
  2. Select the Full Width.
  3. Set Height to 90%.
  4. Click Apply.
  1. Select User Profile and click End Adaptation to complete the task.
    A similar setup can be accomplished for other detail views such as Opportunity and Quote by selecting the specfic HTML mashup that was configured to integrate with CPQ.

For additional information on Adding Mashups on screens, refer to SAP help.

Create WSDL with extension fields

The following fields are customized in C4C and must be enabled to include them in your web services.

  • CPQQuoteStatus
  • CPQQuoteDiscount
  • CPQSalesItemDiscount

To add the extension field, you must be in adaptation mode. Complete the follow steps to change to adaptation mode.

  1. Log into the C4C application.
  2. Open a quote.
  3. Select Enter Adaptation Mode under User Profile menu.
  4. When adaptation mode is on, click Edit Screen.

For more information see, Add Mashups to Custom Sections and Tabs.

Add the CPQQuoteStatus field

To add the CPQQuoteStatus field to your web service, complete the following steps:

  1. Log into C4C
  2. Click the Overview tab as shown in the following image:

CPQ Status Field Overview Tab
3. Select the pencil icon.
4. Select Header.
5. Select Add Field

Select Header
6. Select the Create Fields link.

Create Fields Quote Status

  1. In the Field form, provide the following information:
    1. Select Sales Quote – General Information as Business Context.
    2. Enter CPQQuoteStatus as the Technical Name.
    3. Select Text as Type.
    4. Select Short Text (40) as Sub Type.
    5. Enter text for Label to display as a tool tip.
    6. Select Save and Close.

New field form

When the new extension field has been added to the UI, you must then include the new extension fields in the web service responses.

To add the CPQQuoteStatus field to your web service, complete the following tasks:

  1. In C4C, select a quote in the system.
  2. Set the Adaptation Mode.
  3. Select the Overview tab.
  4. Select the pencil icon to select Header.
  1. Select CPQ Quote Status at the bottom right of the Overview tab.
    Quote Status

  2. Set the following properties on the right side of the screen in the Personalize section as shown in the following image:

    • Hide
    • Mandatory
    • Read-Only
    • Visible

Quote properties

  1. Select Edit to edit the CPQ Quote Status field.
    1. Select the Services tab.
    2. Select Edit.
  2. Check Field Added to the following service description:
    • Sales Quote – General Information
  3. Select Save.

Add the CPQQuoteDiscount Field

To add the CPQQuoteDiscount field to your web service, complete the following tasks:

  1. Sign in to C4C.
  2. Select the Overview tab.
  3. Select the pencil icon.
  4. Select Header on the left panel.
  5. Click Add Field.
  6. Click Create Fields and provide the following information as shown in the following image:
    1. Choose Sales Quote – General Information as Business Context.
    2. .Enter CPQQuoteDiscount as Technical Name.
    3. Select Decimal Number as Type.
    4. Enter 3 in the Length field and 2 in Decimal Places.
    5. Enter Label to display as tool tip.
    6. Select Save and Close.

Quote Discount Field Properties

When the new extension field is added to the UI, you must then include the field in the web service responses by completing the following steps:

  1. Select one of the quotes in C4C.
  2. Set to Adaptation Mode.
  3. Select the Overview tab.
  4. Select the pencil icon to select **Header.
  5. Select CPQ Quote Discount.
  6. Set the following properties:
    • Hide
    • Mandatory
    • Read-Only
    • Visible
  7. Select Edit to modify the CPQ Quote Discount field.
  8. Select the Services tab.
  9. Select Edit.
  10. Select Field Ad to the following service description:
    Sales Quote –General Information
  11. Select Save.

Add the CPQLineItemDiscount field

To add the CPQLineItemDiscount field complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to C4C.
  2. Select the Products tab.
  3. Select Add Field.
  4. In the Fields page, select Create Fields.
  5. In the Create field page, complete the following steps:
    1. Select Sales Quote – Item as Business Context.
    2. Enter CPQ LineItemDiscount in the Technical Name field.
    3. Select Decimal Number as Type.
    4. Add 3 as Length and 2 as Decimal Places.
    5. Enter Label to display as Tooltip.
    6. Select Save and Close.

To add the CPQ LineItemDiscount extension field to the web service, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to C4C.
  2. Select a quote.
  3. Select the Products tab.
  4. Set to Adaptation Mode.
  5. Select the pencil icon.
  6. Select CPQ Line Item Discount.
  7. Set the following properties:
    1. Unselect Hide.
    2. Select Visible.
    3. Select Read-Only.
  8. Select Edit to modify the CPQ Line Item Discount Field.
  9. Select the Services tab.
  10. Select Edit.
  11. Check Field Added to the following service description:
    • Sales Quote – Item
  12. Select Save.
  13. Select End Adaptation under User Profile when all the extension fields supported by CPQ have been configured completely.

Assign and update the owner field

When the owner is assigned or deleted in SAP Sales Cloud after a quote is created, the field is automatically updated in CPQ to reflect the changes.

This ensures that the information stays synchronized between both systems, providing real-time updates for a streamlined and consistent experience.

When the owner is assigned or deleted in SAP Sales Cloud after quote creation, the field is updated in CPQ accordingly.

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